BIBLE, application of
You can't quote the Bible indiscriminately. I remember the story of two lawyers during
a trial. One thought he would make a great impression on the jury by quoting from the
Bible. So he said concerning his opponent's client, "We have it on the highest
authority that it has been said, 'All that a man has will he give for his skin.'" But
the other lawyer knew the Bible better. He said, "I am very much impressed by the
fact that my distinguished colleague here regards as the highest authority the one who
said, 'All that a man has will he give for his skin.' You will find that this saying comes
from the Book of Job, and the one who utters it is the devil. And that is whom he regards
as the highest authority!"
Ray Stedman.
He was one of the greatest rulers in African history and the creator of modern
Ethiopia. Born in 1844, he was captured during an enemy raid and held prisoner for 10
years. Escaping, Menelik II declared himself head of the province of Shewa. He began
conquering neighboring kingdoms and developed them into modern Ethiopia with himself as
emperor. When Italy tried to take over Ethiopia Menekil's army met and crushed the
Italians at the Battle of Aduwa. This victory, as well as his efforts to modernize
Ethiopia (schools, telephones, railroads), make Menekil world-famous. The emperor had one
little known eccentricity. Whenever he was feeling ill, he would eat a few pages of the
Bible, insisting that this always restored his health. One day in December, 1913,
recovering from a stroke and feeling extremely ill, he had the entire book of Kings torn
from an Egyptian edition of the Bible, ate every page of it--and died.
Source Unknown.
Gipsy Smith told of a man who said he had received no inspiration from the Bible
although he had "gone through it several times." "Let it go through you
once," replied Smith, "then you will tell a different story!"
Gipsy Smith.
A survey was made of 4000 laymen in 114 evangelical churches across the U.S. They were
asked, "Do you feel the preaching on Sunday relates to what's going on in your
life?" Over 83% saw virtually no connection between what they heard on Sunday morning
and what they faced on Monday morning.
Howard Hendricks, 1984 Multnomah Pastor's
Enrichment Conference.