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According to a story in the Grand Rapids Press, the owner of a small foreign car had
begun to irritate his friends by bragging incessantly about his gas mileage. So they
decided on a way to get some humor out of his tireless boasting, as well as bring it to an
end. Every day one of them would sneak into the parking lot where the man kept his car and
pour a few gallons of gas into the tank. Soon the braggart was recording absolutely
phenomenal mileage. He was boasting of getting as much as 90 miles per gallon, and the
pranksters took secret delight in his exasperation as he tried to convince people of the
truthfulness of his claims. It was even more fun to watch his reaction when they stopped
refilling the tank. The poor fellow couldn't figure out what had happened to his car.
Grand Rapids Press.
A sightseeing bus was making the rounds through Washington, D.C., and the driver was
pointing out spots of interest. As they passed the Pentagon building, he mentioned that it
cost taxpayers millions of dollars and that it took a year and a half to build. While
everyone was looking at it, a little old woman piped up: "In Peoria we could have
built the same building for less, and it would have been completed even sooner than
that!" The next sight on the tour was the Justice Department building. Once again the
bus driver said that it cost so many millions to build and took almost two years to
complete. The woman repeated: "In Peoria we would have done it for less money, and it
would have been finished much sooner." The tour finally came to the Washington
Monument, and the driver just passed slowly by without saying a word. The old woman was
curious. "Hey," she shouted to the driver, "what's that tall white building
back there?" The driver looked out the window, waited a minute and then said,
"Search me, lady. It wasn't there yesterday."
Source Unknown.