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    A Builder Or a Wrecker

    As I watched them tear a building down
    A gang of men in a busy town
    With a ho-heave-ho, and a lusty yell
    They swung a beam and the side wall fell

    I asked the foreman, "Are these men skilled,
    And the men you'd hire if you wanted to build?"
    He gave a laugh and said, "No, indeed,
    Just common labor is all I need."

    "I can easily wreck in a day or two,
    What builders have taken years to do."
    And I thought to myself, as I went my way
    Which of these roles have I tried to play?

    Am I a builder who works with care,
    Measuring life by rule and square?
    Am I shaping my work to a well-made plan
    Patiently doing the best I can?

    Or am I a wrecker who walks to town
    Content with the labor of tearing down?
    "O Lord let my life and my labors be
    That which will build for eternity!"

    Author Unknown, The Increase, 35th Anniversary Issue, 1993, p. 9.