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    Alvin Verette--in New Roads, Louisiana, he owns and operates the nation's first drive-in mortuary. For the convenience of time-pressed mourners, the deceased is displayed before a five-by-seven picture window. Friends and relatives can drive up to the window and pay last respects without getting out. Says Mr. Verette, "We wanted something for people who didn't have time to dress." 

    February 1980, Campus Life.

    Statistics and Stuff

    A Glamour magazine survey of 25,000 readers, most of them women between the ages of 18 and 35, reflects a powerful swing to life's spiritual side: 77% pray, and 87% feel that God is always helping them or has helped them through a particular period in their lives. These readers seem to choose aspects of their religion they can live with and ignore what they can't, without discarding their faith. For example, the poll finds that nearly half disagree with their church's teaching on premarital sex, and a third (42% of the single women) disagree with their religion on abortion. 

    Glamour, May, 1986.