I'm just a plowhand from Arkansas, but I have learned how to hold a team together. How
to lift some men up, how to calm down others, until finally they've got one heartbeat
together, a team. There's just three things I'd ever say: If anything goes bad, I did it.
If anything goes semi-good, then we did it. If anything goes real good, then you did it.
That's all it takes to get people to win football games for you.
Bear Bryant.
Although he wasn't the first to use ether as an anesthetic, Boston dentist William
Morton was credited with this discovery after using ether for a tooth extraction in the
mid-1840s. But Morton had done so at the recommendation of Boston chemist Charles Jackson,
who also claimed part of the credit. When the Massachusetts Historical Society decided to
pay tribute to the discoverer of anesthesia, a monument was commissioned. But there was
some dispute as to whether Morton's or Jackson's bust should adorn the statue. Realizing
that the controversy would never be settled to everyone's satisfaction, Dr. Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Sr., suggested that they use busts of both men with this inscription: "To
Today in the Word, May 7, 1993.
There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go, if he doesn't care who gets
the credit.
John III Sobieski, king of Poland in the late 17th century, is best remembered as the
man who saved central Europe from invading armies of Turks in 1683. With the Turks at the
walls of Vienna, Sobieski led a charge that broke the siege. His rescue of Vienna is
considered one of the decisive battles in European history. In announcing his great
victory the king paraphrased the famous words of Caesar by saying simply, "I came; I
saw; God conquered."
Today in the Word, MBI, August, 1991, p. 7.
A local sportscaster, doing radio coverage of an Indiana high-school football game from
the stands, used a chart listing the names, numbers, and positions of the players to help
him describe the action. Then it began to rain; the ink on the chart ran, and the numbers
on the backs of the players were covered with mud. Identifying the home-team players was
easy, but the only familiar name on the lineup of the visiting Chicago team was that of
Blansky, a linebacker who was up for all-state. As local listeners didn't know the Chicago
players, and his station wasn't powerful enough to reach Chicago, the sportscaster made up
the names of every Chicago player but Blansky. And since Blansky was the only legitimate
name, he did his play-by-play with Blansky making most of the tackles. The next day, the
Chicago coach called him to say he had done a really nice job of covering the game--except
for one thing. Blansky had broken his leg in the first half and spent the second half in
the hospital, listening to himself playing one heck of a game.
Akron Beacon Journal
Laugh and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone. These lines first
appeared in "Solitude", a poem printed in the February 25, 1883 issue of the
New York Sun.
The author was Ella Wheeler, a Wisconsin-born journalist and poet, who received $5 for her
work. The poem was published again in May of that year in a collection of Miss Wheeler's
called Poems of Passion. The collection was a great financial success. To her dismay, Ella
Wheeler Wilcox, (now married) found the poem, word for word, in a book by John A. Joyce,
published in 1885. The poem had a different title, "Laugh and the World Laughs With
but Joyce claimed it as his own. Mrs. Wheeler offered $5,000 for any printed version of
the poem dated earlier than her own. Neither Joyce nor anyone else ever produced one, but
he continued to reprint the poem as his own until he died in 1915. As a final irony, he
had the two famous lines chiseled on his tombstone in Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington, DC.
Since that time, however, publishers have given credit where credit seems to be due--to
Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
Bits & Pieces, February, 1990, p. 5-6.
A farmer took a piece of bad earth and made things flourish thereon. Proud of his
accomplishments, he asked his minister to come by and see what he had done. The minister
was impressed. "That's the tallest corn I've ever seen. I've never seen anything as
big as those melons. Praise the Lord!" He went on that way about every crop, praising
the Lord for it all. Finally the farmer couldn't take it anymore. "Reverend," he
said, "I wish you could have seen this place when the Lord was doing it by
Ronald Reagan, in a speech in Indianapolis.