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Marks of a Cult:
Authoritarian: There is almost always a central, charismatic, living human leader who
commands total loyalty and allegiance.
Oppositional: Their beliefs, practices and values are counter to those of the dominant
Exclusivistic: They are the only group that possesses the "truth."
Legalistic: Rules and regulations abound governing spiritual matters and the details of
everyday living.
Subjective: They emphasize the experiential, the feelings and the emotions. This is
usually accompanied by an anti- intellectualism.
Persecution-conscious: The groups feel they are being singled out by mainstream
Christians, the press, parents, and the government.
Sanction-oriented: They require conformity in practice and belief, and exercise sanctions
against the wayward.
Esoteric: They promote a religion of secrecy and concealment. Truth is taught on two
levels, inner truth and outer truth.
Anti-sacerdotal: There are no paid clergy or professional religious functionaries.
Source Unknown.