As I mentioned earlier, the faith teachers maintain that when Adam sinned, the world
was turned over to Satan. The devil became the legal owner of the planet. The faith
teacher's position accommodates the Gnostic view (particularly evident in Zoroastrianism,
a Persian Gnostic religion), in which a good god rules the spiritual world and a bad god
rules the physical realm. In such a philosophy the problem of evil is solved by blaming
everything that goes wrong on the bad god (the devil); the good god is seen as no more
than a counterbalance. One is left with the impression that the two gods each possess
equal power both in quality and quantity. Everything that is wrong in the world is the
fault of the bad god. And it's up to the initiate or believer to make sure the good god
wins. When Jimmy Swaggart defied the orders of the Assemblies of God to refrain from
preaching for one year, he assured the public that he was free of moral defect, for, he
said, Oral Roberts had cast out the demons from his body over the phone. Oral Roberts
confirmed Swaggart's report, insisting he had demons and their their claws deeply embedded
in Swaggart's flesh. Now that the rascals were gone, Swaggart and Roberts asserted,
Swaggart could get on with preparing the way for Christ's return. Evidently, personal
responsibility for sin can be dismissed by blaming it on an external force. Yet Flip
Wilson's famous quip, "The devil made me do it" is hardly comedy when we're
talking about the biblical view of sin.
For these metaphysical evangelists, even personal sins can be attributed to the bad
god, since he is, after all, sovereign over this earthly realm as the good god is
relatively in charge of the spiritual domain. Here again, then, is the echo of the
Gnostics of old. When that heresy was revived toward the end of the medieval period,
Calvin said, "They made the devil almost the equal of God." In this way, the
problem of sin is replaced with the problem of Satan. It is facing Satan, not my own sin
and rebelliousness, that becomes the great task of the Christian life. I'm not the problem
-- the Devil is!
The Agony of Deceit by Michael Horton, Editor 1990, Moody Press,
pp. 132-133.