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    According to a study published by Yale researchers in the Archives of Internal Medicine, a third of American doctors do not have a regular doctor, a ratio much higher than for the overall population.  As many as 18 percent of Americans do not have a regular source of health care.

    The study found that pediatricians were the most likely to have a doctor, while internists, pathologists, and surgeons were much less likely to have a regular doctor.  

    from The New York Times, Tuesday, December 12, 2000, p. D8.  


    A severe rash prompted a man from a rural area to come to town to be examined by one of my colleagues. After the usual history-taking followed by a series of test, the physician advised the patient that he would have to get rid of the dog that was evidently causing the allergic reaction. As the man was preparing to leave the office, my colleague asked him out of curiosity if he planned to sell the animal or give it away. "Neither one," the patient replied. "I'm going to get me one of them second opinions I been reading about. It's a lot easier to find a doctor than a good bird dog." 

    George Hawkins, M.D. in Medical Economics, in Reader's Digest, January, 1982.